Young Women Choose Plastic Surgery

In addition to the pressure to be beautiful, there is also more pressure on young women to look good. Evidence has shown that more and more young mothers are choosing to have cosmetic surgery in order to overcome the effects of childbirth.
These effects often mean that young women seek breast lifts and tummy tucks, although they may also choose to have cosmetic surgery to remove stretch marks. It has been estimated by the Harley Medical Group that 80 percent of all tummy tucks are given to new mothers, although this can include older mums in that grouping.
Young women want to keep their youthful appearance even after childbirth, and there are increasing demands for liposuction, rising by around 12% over last year.
Cosmetic surgery in Prague
If you need any type of cosmetic procedure, we at Beauty in Prague can provide you with a safe and professional service. Just contact us today to make an appointment.
For your free email consultation simply fill in Medical Questionnaire and send us some photos of the areas to be treated.