What happens after Breast Surgery?

For any woman researching breast augmentation surgery or already having gone through the procedure, “dropping” or “fluffing” of the implants is a term that is often discussed or researched.
When breast implants are placed in a woman’s breasts, the surrounding soft tissue must stretch to accommodate the implant.
Our skin and soft tissue has a natural stretching ability. However, it does take some time for this stretch and accommodation to occur. During the initial healing period, the implants will feel like they are very high. Many women will feel like their breasts are sitting under their chin. This is due to the skin and soft tissue not being able to stretch out just yet and the implant pocket still being very tight.
Over time, the skin and soft tissue stretches out and the implants settle in to a more permanent position. This process is what people call “dropping” or “fluffing” of the implants/breasts.
The thing to remember about the „dropping“ or „fluffing“ process is that it varies between clients as well as each breast. The time to drop of fluff can be vary quite a lot depending on the client. Size of implants, textured or smooth implants, in front or behind the muscle and skin elasticity before the operation, can all have an effect on how quickly the implants settle.
It is very important to remember that a woman’s breasts can heal at a different rate. After surgery clients will often be concerned that one breast looks different to the other one. This is quite common in the first few weeks after the procedure. It can take clients anywhere from 6 weeks to as long as 6 months for the implants to reach their final position.
All of this is relatively normal and the thing to remember is that each client heals differently and what your friend or sister went through may not be what you will go through. If you ever have any questions, you can contact us any time through email, telephone or Facebook.
For more information, please call 0800 023 2592 free or apply for our free email consultation by filling in the medical questionnaire and sending us your photos.