Surgical nose job abroad in Prague

Surgical nose job abroad in Prague will help you to achieve the profile of your nose you have ever wished to have. Why should you be upset about your nose if our professional Prague plastic surgeons can help you with affordable surgical nose job surgery?
Nose job surgeons abroad – in Prague, Czech Republic
Before making the decision about cosmetic surgery abroad you have to be sure you are in hands of skilled plastic surgeon who has performed many nose jobs and is specializing in nose cosmetic surgery.
Celebrity nose job
In case you would like to have a nose like someone you saw in a film or in a magazine (Ashlee Simpson nosejob, Cameron Diaz nose job, Angelina Jolie nose job, Jennifer Aniston nose job etc.) it is practically impossible for any plastic surgeon specializing in nose jobs to create an exact duplicate.
Nose job surgery
- Nose Tip Correction (Nose job tip) – This nose job tip surgery concentrates on the soft parts of your nose, and takes approximately 1 hour under general anaesthetic. During this nose job procedure our Prague plastic surgeons modify the cartilages inside the tip of your nose and he uses dissolvable stitches on completion, thus avoiding the need for removal after healing.
- Nose Job Rhinoplasty (Nose reshaping) – This nose job procedure encompasses surgery on both the soft and hard (bone) parts of your nose. Surgical nose job rhinoplasty is performed under general anaesthetic and takes approximately 2 hours. Dissolvable stitches are used inside the nose on completion, thus avoiding the need for removal after healing.
Nose job after – how will you feel after nose job?
The first one or two days after surgical nose job you might feel uncomfortable as you will be not able to breath through your nose. However, this will change once your Prague nose job surgeon will remove cotton dressing placed inside your nose after the nose job operation. You should not feel any pain.
Nose job swelling
According to our Prague nose job surgeons 80% of nose job swelling disappear within 1 month. The remaining 20% of nose job swelling will gradually disappear in the following 6 months.
Nose job price
Beauty in Prague offers affordable nose jobs prices, only half the cost what you would pay for nose cosmetic surgery back in the UK or Ireland.
Nose job advice from our Prague plastic sugeons
After your surgical nose job procedure you will be advised by your Prague plastic surgeon on the appropriate aftercare regime. However, avoiding sunbathing and contact sports for the first few months afterwards is necessary.
Nose job before and after photos
Please feel free to view our Nose Job Before and After photos.
Nose job before after – Patient story
Our previous client Pete is able to provide you with more surgical Nose Job information and he has also included some of his nose job pics.
Interested in our surgical Nose Job FREE consultation?
- please fill in the Medical Questionnaire online
- send us some photos of the areas to be treated from the front and from the side
More Nose Job Information
If you need more general surgical nose job information please find them on our website or contact us with your questions.
Beauty in Prague aim is to make your Nose job abroad – in Prague as safe as possible.