Plastic Surgeons Warn over Misleading Cosmetic Surgery

Safety is vital for any type of surgery, and cosmetic surgeons are no exception to the rule. The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons have recently issued a warning about the safety of some kind of surgeries which are being offered to British patients.
The chief focus of their concern is over patients visiting less reputable surgeries, although one clinic in Harley Street has also been named. These surgeries have been offering ‚stem cell‘ augmentations which are designed to use fat harvested during liposuction to enhance the breast.
The fat is treated in order to enhance the ‚stem cell‘ content of the fat in the hope that this will somehow benefit the graft. However, the British Association warns that more testing is currently needed.
Cosmetic surgery in Prague
Although breast augmentation with fat is not currently being offered by most clinics, if you want any kind of traditional cosmetic surgery, you can rely upon Beauty in Prague to offer you our services. Our responsible and professional medical staff can help you with any query, so contact us today.
For your free email consultation simply fill in Medical Questionnaire and send us some photos of the areas to be treated.