Liposuction – UK costs and abroad

Liposuction – UK Costs of cosmetic surgery are incredibly high, but the cost of liposuction abroad is cheap and here in Prague liposuction surgery is also safe. Liposuction at half the cost to what you would pay in the UK is performed in a private cosmetic surgery clinic by the best plastic surgeons in Prague, Czech Republic.
Cosmetic Surgery Procedure:
- Liposuction Surgery
Other names for Liposuction Surgery:
- Fat Removal
Liposuction Surgery:
- Liposuction surgery is a cosmetic surgery procedure for women and men that can help sculpt the body by removing unwanted fat from specific areas, including the abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs, knees, upper arms, chin, cheeks and neck. Men typically want liposuction on their abdomens, chest (breasts) and flanks („love handles“). Liposuction is performed under general anaesthetic and the surgery takes 1–2 hours.
Liposuction Surgery costs in the UK:
- GBP 1,550 – GBP 5,000
Liposuction Surgery costs abroad – in Prague, Czech Republic:
- 1,399 GBP
With our liposuction surgery costs and prices everyone can afford to be happy and confident.
Enquire now about Liposuction Surgery by completing our free cosmetic surgery consultation.
Liposuction Surgery Pictures
- look at before and after photos of Liposuction surgeries performed abroad in Prague at our cosmetic surgery clinic.
- Tummy tuck
- Breast Enlargement