How can I keep myself entertained after surgery?

Recuperating from a surgery is boring and no fun, but these activities should help you keep your mind occupied while your body heals from your surgery so you can avoid post-surgery boredom.
Boredom after a surgery or illness is very common, and can cause people to feel depressed. These boredom busting activities should help you keep your spirits up and recuperate easier. With a positive attitude and engaged mind, you will start feeling better faster after your surgery.
Hopefully you can use some of these ideas to keep from getting bored and make the time pass quickly and enjoy yourself until you are back on your feet.
Find a new blog and read it. Read all of it. You have plenty of time. If you are bored, try a website like Reddit that constantly has new content.
Pinterest is an online bulletin board website where people share ideas about crafts, hobbies, recipes, tips, working out, travel, holiday ideas and other inspiration. You can get sucked in for hours, coming up with ideas for what you will do after you feel better from your surgery, from learning new smoothie recipes to new home improvement ideas. Before you know it you won’t be bored, and several hours will have passed without you even noticing.
We are sure that YouTube is nothing new to you, but it certainly deserves a mention as a way to kill time when you are bored! There are tutorial videos about anything you could imagine, learn how to do a new hair style, grow pineapples, or improve your swimming technique. You can also help stave off after surgery depression with funny videos and music videos.
When you get tired of watching videos on YouTube, make your own. It is easier than you think, and there are numerous resources online to show you how. You could make a video about your recovery.
Is there something that you are really interested in, and would love to share? Then starting your own blog is a great way to share your passion. You can start a basic blog on blogging sites such as blogger, or if you want a bigger project, buy your own domain name and get set up with a WordPress template. It’s a good way to pass the time, feel mentally stimulated, and a successful blog can even sell advertising to help you make money.
Beauty in Prague suggests getting full seasons of television shows, so you can be entertained for hours. Try to pick shows that have lots of seasons, for example, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, 24 ect or you could go old school and get X-Files, Fresh Prince of Bel air or NCIS
This could be books or magazines. We suggest that you get audio books if you are having eye surgery so you do not need to strain your eyes during recovery.
Remember, Beauty in Prague also offers a free photo shoot to all customers as a post-surgery present. You could spend time thinking about what look you want to go for, our photographer is also a hair and make-up artist.
For more information, please call 0800 023 2592 free or apply for our free email consultation by filling in the medical questionnaire and sending us your photos.